Genre-Matters: A Taste of Noir–Introduction

Shadowy figures looming in the dark underbelly of America–a loner hero is stalked by femme fatales, weaselly figureheads, murderous thugs and crooked cops.  Welcome to the world of film noir–otherwise known as “black film”.  It’s a genre without a clear-cut definition, but you always know it when you see it.  It’s more or less a sense of mood that invokes some of the most emotionally arousing moments in cinema history.  There’s mystery, suspense, murder, creepiness, and a pinch of cynicism here and there.  The influence of yesterday’s film noirs continuously creep into the frames of today’s cinema, sometimes when we least expect it.

Also, the film noir is one of the few “genres” (again, if you may call it that) that America can claim.  The earlier European films may have spawned some of its ingredients, but the final concoction was shaped under the very noses of the Hollywood studio system.  Hell, even the French concede that–they’re the ones who coined the term.  There is constant debate over its exact origins, when it was officially “invented”, and even if today’s movies fall under its description. 

Over the next few weeks, I will trace through the history and review many of the films that epitomize the film noir–and some that aren’t as apparent.  For those self-appointed film scholars, you may question my blatant decision to overlook some of the most “important” noirs and raise eyebrows over some of these choices I’ve made.

Among the few films I name, I hope to raise arguments for the genre’s vitality and introduce novice viewers to some of cinema’s true treasures.  I could spend the next three months critiquing many more films at the risk of boring people to tears or beating a dead horse until all that remains are bones.  Therefore, I have disciplined myself to 20 titles based on their relevance to film history, their relationship to other films within the list, or my personal connection and nostalgic love (which really beckoned me to write these in the first place).

Inevitably, my point was to re-watch many films I love dearly.  Many of these films can be found online and my hope is this will arouse interest and give others a chance to relish in some of Hollywood’s finest films ever crafted.  Thanks for reading and good screening to you!

First up…The Noir begins with the letter…”M”

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