Countdown to Nevermore! (Feb 22-24th)

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“Found” This year’s winner for BEST FEATURE.   

When Carolina Theatre Director Jim Carl asked me to a part of last year’s Nevermore Committee, I was delighted, even though I had no idea, at first, what it actually meant.  For example, did it require me to kill or mame?  Nope, unfortunately.  I did, however, spend  the Winter of 2011 critiquing a plethora of shorts and feature-length films from all parts of the globe; some rotten, some so-so, some utterly delightful.

The actual festival itself was an experience I won’t soon forget.  I remember walking onstage with a co-committee member, staring back at the horror-loving spectators, lavishing a moment of feeling important.  Perhaps my favorite moment was fraternizing with people who were as obsessed (if not more so) with films than I was.  I made some friends with people who had an professional attachment to the business.  Among them were local NC filmmakers and even a couple of cats from Hollywood who I now bid good marrow on Facebook from time to time.

“Headsome”  Made right here in our fair state.

So, when Jim asked me if I wanted to return, I had to say “yes”.  Despite the turmoils of a 40-hour-a-week job, school, and a few contributions to the site you see before you, I made the time to review 40-50 features and shorts. I was astounded by the quality of this year’s contributions.  Last year, I provided my reviews on a scale of 1 to 5, to which I gave a few 4.5s, but no perfect scores.  This year, I gave a ‘5’ to three.  (No, I’m not telling you what those are.)

This year, Nevermore means more to me than last year.  It is a refuge from all the personal and emotional anguish I’ve faced (again, fuck you 2013!  May I sleep for 300 days until you reach your vindictive end!).  Having only been to one “official” film festival before Nevermore, I can safely argue that there’s a level of intimacy involved in this one.  Last year, both the audiences (which were record-breaking) and the filmmakers were just joys from top-to-bottom.  The crowds came to enjoy a variety of horror cinema.   People walked in and exited with grins.  Everyone was relaxed and had a great time!

This year, Nevermore provides an even grander selection, which films scaling beyond what we conceive a “horror”.  For example, those who like tamer films will find refuge in “mind-benders” such as Found in Time.  Those who prefer ghost tales will be scared shitless by the “found footage” gem Leaving DC or the documentary-inspired Casebook of Eddie Brewer.  There’s also the inventive feature Headsome that was produced right here in NC!  Then, there’s the bizarre, disturbing and utterly brilliant Found, which won this year’s Nevermore Best Feature!

I haven’t even begun to mention the short features that come packaged in either the international fare, Boogeymen From Beyond The Sea, or the two English-speaking shorts programs Dead Men Tell No Tales or They’re Coming To Get You, Barbra!.  All of these contain plenty of gems.

One of the greatest horrors films finally makes its debut!!

Also, Jim has done the unthinkable and procured a one-night screening of George Romero’s 1978 horror classic Dawn of the Dead  as well as Don Coscarelli’s (The Phantasm series, Bubba Ho-Tep) most recent feature, John Dies in the End, starring Paul Giamatti and Clancy Brown.

I’m absolutely proud of the selection the committee has made.  I’m also delighted that there is a variety of films that serve each palette.  So, if you are near the Raleigh-Durham area, please come out and support local and/or independent cinema. I’ll be tall, uber-dork hounding all of the film makers.  See you there.

Please visit the Carolina Theatre website for information, including the film schedule

Good screening to you,


3 thoughts on “Countdown to Nevermore! (Feb 22-24th)

  1. Michael March 1, 2013 / 5:06 am

    Did you make it to the Dawn of the Dead showing Chris? I didn't see you there!

  2. Chris Santucci March 1, 2013 / 11:43 am

    I didn't. I attended the American shorts showing in Cinema One. Interestingly, a couple of the filmmakers who arrived were extremely nervous at that screening. They figured “Dawn” was going to steal their thunder. But there was a large crowd in attendance. Sorry I missed you.

  3. Michael March 1, 2013 / 4:18 pm

    Not a problem, man. You were busy with Nevermore. It was one of those things where I couldn't miss Dawn.

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