That Time Is Once Again Tapping: Nevermore, Nevermore, Nevermore!


Part of the reason I haven’t blogged during the last month was because I was “movied out”.  Thankfully, my movie obsession survived any long term depreciation.  It just happens when you overdose.  Hell, I could consume five gallon-size tubs of chocolate mint ice cream and become less enamored with that too.  But as a new year dawns, so ends my laborious review of countless horror film submissions for the 2014 Nevermore Film Festival, which officially opens this week! Continue reading

Robocop–Film Review


The newest incantation of Robocop is one of the better remakes to come along in recent years.  But it still commits the cardinal sin of diluting the ingredients that made its fore-bearer so successful and attempts to make up for it with a consulted mess of subplots of half-hearted ideas.  Despite pushing the emotional core down our throat with heavier exposition and more screen time, Robocop 2014 still feels colder and cynical.

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