Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Review

Last-Jedi-Poster“This is not going to go the way you think!” – Luke Skywalker

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the sequel to the 2015 The Force Awakens, presenting a new dilemma for the fervent fan base: it diverts from the structural spine of the trilogy.  It’s not a retread of 1980’s Empire Strikes Back in the way that Force was a soft reboot to New Hope  (well, not exactly…) .  This newest installment rekindles new flames and extinguishes old ones (literally).  I appreciated the moments in which The Last Jedi propels a new narrative, free from the bonds of fan expectations.  But, Last Jedi is also unfocused, busy, occasionally dull and victimized by some choices that I would imagine were decided by its new corporate overlords. Continue reading